A downloadable game for Windows

This platformer was made for the Business Professionals of America (BPA) Software Engineering Team competition (V03). It is a gravity-switching 2D platformer which has a mysterious storyline. Enjoy!

Note: This game only works on Windows unfortunately. Copy the link to your PC/laptop, download, unzip, and try it out!

In case you'd want to vote for us, we're booth #23! Thanks again!


ThereIsNothing-Game.zip 68 MB
ThereIsNothing-Source.zip 42 MB


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(1 edit)

Make a Mac Friendly version of the game. I can't play it on the Big Macs. IDIOT!!!!

I realize now that I was rather harsh. My most heartfelt apology. Sorry. 

Hey there,

None of the people on our team own a MacOS device, so we are unable to compile the game for Mac. Sorry about this!

That is an acceptable answer. Have a good day.